The Wake Forest Care Center has been rocked by another blow to its reputation. According to an article on the website for WRAL, a nursing assistant was arrested and charged with sexual assault on a resident who was “physically helpless.”
The accused man, 42-year-old Michael Lee Brodie, was charged with sexual assault, and is being held at Wake County jail on $75,000.00 bond. The victim is getting help from a group of experts, including a physician, a psychiatrist, and a therapist.
This is not the first challenge for this facility. Ever since North Carolina began a star rating program of adult care programs in 2009, Wake Forest Care Center has ranged between 0 stars and 1 star (out of a potential 4 stars). Although the facility is currently rated with 1 star, it received demerit points for “noncompliance with the rules related to resident care and services.”
To read the full story, go to the WRAL website.
At HensonFuerst, we believe in protecting people who are most vulnerable. We fight against poor treatment, abuse, and neglect of residents of nursing home and assisted living facilities. If you believe someone you love has been hurt while in the care of a nursing facility, call us. We’ll fight to help them regain their dignity and their safety.