Whether you are commuting to work or traveling across the country, millions of Americans rely on public transportation to get them safely to their destinations. Unfortunately, when buses or trains aren’t well maintained, when hurried or distracted drivers try to cross before a train or bus pulls through, or when conductors and bus drivers are inattentive, accidents will happen.
Train and Bus accidents cause devastating injuries and in many instances would not happen if operating rules, regulations and maintenance standards were followed.
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) reported that 2014 marked the highest year in public transportation use since 1956, resulting in 10.8 million total trips taken on U.S public transportation . While public transportation is a wonderful and environmentally friendly option to commute to work or school, trains and buses cause hundreds of devastating accidents every year. As the use of public transportation continues to grow, so does the number of train or bus accidents caused by negligence, impaired or distracted drivers, dangerous weather, roadway conditions and improper maintenance.