Brain Injury Awareness Quiz

The goal of Brain Injury Awareness Month is to help the public learn more about brain injury, and to improve the lives of everyone affected–those who are living with brain injury, and their families and caregivers. To play our part, we have created our own quiz to help test your level of awareness.

1. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), how many people in the United States receive treatment for brain injury every year?

  • (a)  1,700
  • (b)  17,000
  • (c)  170,000
  • (d)  1,700,000

ANSWER: (d) And that doesn’t even include all the people who receive a head injury but don’t seek treatment.

2. Is a concussion considered a brain injury?

  • (a)  yes
  • (b)  no

ANSWER: (a) Anyone who reads this blog knows that concussion is definitely a form of brain injury. In fact, some experts are trying to have concussion called by a more accurately descriptive name: mild traumatic brain injury, or MTBI.

3. Which of the following is NOT a possible symptom of brain injury?

  • (a)  moodiness
  • (b)  loss of sexual interest
  • (c)  slurred speech
  • (d)  hallucination
  • (e)  difficulty doing math
  • (f)  inability to multitask
  • (g)  not recognizing your own arm
  • (h)  color blindness
  • (i)  insomnia

ANSWER: This was a trick question…they are all possible symptoms of brain injury.

4. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate member of a brain injury treatment team?

  • (a)  neurologist
  • (b)  psychologist
  • (c)  physical therapist
  • (d)  job coach
  • (e)  attorney

ANSWER: Another trick question…all of these professionals are important for improving the medical, psychological, and financial situation of a person with brain injury.

5. According to the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research, which sport is the number-one cause of brain injury among high school and college female athletes?

  • (a)  Gymnastics
  • (b)  Field Hockey
  • (c)  Cheerleading
  • (d)  Soccer

ANSWER: (c) It’s not even close. Cheerleading injuries accounts for about 65% of serious catastrophic injuries.

6. What is the leading cause of traumatic brain injury among all age groups?

  • (a)  Motor vehicle wrecks
  • (b)  Falls
  • (c)  Sports injuries
  • (d)  Assault

ANSWER: (b) Falls are the cause of about 35% of all brain injuries for all age groups. Motor vehicle wrecks are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury.

7. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), about how much is the lifetime cost for one person surviving a severe traumatic brain injury?

  • (a)  about $1 million
  • (b)  about $2 million
  • (c)  about $3 million
  • (d)  about $4 million
  • (e)  more than $4 million

ANSWER: (e) The great cost of taking care of a person with severe brain injury is one reason why it is so important to talk with a lawyer who is experienced in handling brain injury cases. You want to make sure the injured person gets all the compensation he or she is entitled to. Covering the costs is next to impossible without financial help. injury.

8. Which of the following are good ways to prevent head and brain injury?

  • (a)  Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle
  • (b)  Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle
  • (c)  Wearing a seatbelt while driving or riding in a motor vehicle
  • (d)  Removing or securing throw-rugs in a house
  • (e)  Removing snow and ice from walkways, driveways, and outdoor steps
  • (f)  all of the above

ANSWER: (f) You knew that would be the answer! Preventing brain injury means being aware of potential trouble areas, taking an abundance of care to keep areas free from fall hazards, and protecting your head while engaging in high-risk activities.

So, how did you do?

If you want more information, feel free to visit our traumatic brain injury page on the HensonFuerst website at Stay safe!

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